Geek Techbuzz

Imagine you’re at the final level of your favorite game and suddenly the system starts to lag. Turns out that it is due to your own antivirus! How frustrating as well as risky. But fear not! Here’s the ultimate guide to achieving uninterrupted gaming bliss while maintaining robust security for your device and data.


The Worries Of Gamers:

  • Untimely Scans and Updates: Scheduled antivirus scans or software updates can pop up at the most inopportune moments, disrupting your gameplay flow.
  • Low Performance due to Lags: Ordinary antivirus softwares usually makes the systems lag leading to their performance drag down.


The Path Forward:

Following are some of the ways through which both top security and peak performance can be achieved:

  • Special Modes: Several antivirus games now come with specific modes to suspend scans and notifications for smooth gameplay while you are enjoying the game.
  • Prioritize Performance: Some antivirus software allows you to configure priority settings. Give your games higher priority to ensure they have the resources they need to run smoothly.


Strong Protection. Smooth Gameplay:

At Geek Techbuzz, the requirement of gamers is well understood. We offer a range of security solutions that prioritize both powerful protection and uninterrupted gaming:

  • Minimal Performance Impact: The antivirus softwares offered by us feature special modes (Game mode, etc.) which minimizes resource usage and make sure that the gameplay runs smooth.
  • Advanced Threat Detection: We provide comprehensive protection against viruses, malware, phishing attacks, and other online threats without compromising your gaming experience.
  • Real-Time Protection: We offer a range of antivirus software that protect continuously against evolving threats without disruptive scheduled scans.


Maximum Security Minimum Lagging:

By obeying these instructions and picking the right security solution, an ultimate gaming experience along with fool proof security of device and data can be very well achieved. So, fire up your favorite game, focus on dominating the competition, and leave the security worries to us!