Click the “Review This Product” button on the product page to write a review. You can also click the “Review This Product” link in your order to see what you just bought.
So that we can look at your review, please keep these things in mind:
You should only look at the item in terms of its overall quality, how useful it is, its features and its design.
If you need help, call us at +1 (213) 468-8359. Do not talk about customer service.
You shouldn’t talk about other companies, different brands, or the exact amount you paid for the things.
There can be relevant pictures and/or videos that show how to use your goods. JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP are the only photo file types that will work. There is a 5 MB limit on picture files.
Don’t put in your full name, phone number, email address, or place of work. This could be used to find out who you are or someone else.